Why do people start blogs? Why do they spend time updating them? Does anybody even read them?
It really depends on the purpose of the Blog. Sometimes this is obvious – the blog is a commentary on the interests, or even, shall we say, professional interests of the writer. These blogs can include comments on politics, sports or media. ‘Professional’ blogs can also include examples of work, or tutorials on specialised subjects. The value of these blogs, of course, is directly proportional to the experience and skill of the writer.
Does a Blog need to be on a single subject? Not necessarily. Blogs are often written spontaneously and often include subject matter that, in the opinion of the author, is topical or simply seems to be a ‘good idea at the time’. However it’s important to remember that whatever is posted on the internet has the potential to be around for a very long time. Once your thoughts are out there in the public domain there’s no taking them back. It’s also a good idea to label your posts so that readers can follow your material by topic. Relevance is also important!
Does presentation, grammar and spelling matter? Well, as an aspiring Blog author, do you wish to be taken seriously? Why do you think so many online Blogging applications include a spell-checker? Enough said.
What happens once your post is ‘out there’? People should normally have the opportunity to comment with their views on your post. Should you moderate comments before they appear? Absolutely. Should you remove comments that contradict your view? Never. Moderation is about separating the spam from comments but one of the key ideas behind blogging is open lines of communication between writer and audience. Remember you always have the right of reply. But before you flambé some ignorant imbecile take a deep breath, try to stay on topic and be objective. Blogs are not the place for ‘flame wars’. Once again remember, once it’s published you can’t take it back!
Will a Blog help my business? Hard to say. What a Blog will do is give a human face to the person (or people) behind the business. Blogging can present a person as an expert in their field. It also gives business owners another opportunity to interact with customers or potential customers.
Will a Blog replace a business website? Unlikely. A professionally-designed website is still the best way to present a business, together with it’s products and services. While a well-designed Blog should complement a business website it should not attempt to replace it.
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