Saw it again on TV the other night. That little ditty coined by the Folk North of the Bombay Hills celebrating the fact that their city was recently voted the World’s Fourth Best City to Live In.
It really goes to show how fragile the average JAFAs self-image must be when they feel the need to make such a song and dance about coming fourth in anything! I mean, think of the fuss and bother involved? First they have to get somebody to come up with suitably catchy tune and lyrics, and then they need to get a whole lot of so-called ‘celebrities’ (‘Mad Butcher’ Peter Leitch, I’m ashamed of you - aren’t you supposed to be a Wellington boy?), grab a few mildly-talented musos and do a whole big ‘Band Aid’ sort of production. After that, of course, they have to go and find some ‘Not For Profit’ organisation to act as beneficiary to make the whole thing appear kosher.
And if it comes down to quality of life - I wonder how many of the people of Manukau City (South Auckland - which, incidentally, has the largest share of Auckland’s population of 1.4 million) can identify with the sentiments of the song?
Well, at least they got the bit about the traffic right...
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