Monday, March 2, 2009

'Times are hard...'

Recession. There, I've said it. It's been a long time coming and some say it's well overdue. Never mind that the first signs were evident this time last year, when some were saying that if we ignored the markets and paid no mind to the media it would somehow go away. It's here, and we're going to have to deal with it!

Some of the suggestions to come out of the economic forum last Friday were a bit loopy. I was particularly intrigued by the one about constructing a cycleway to run the length of the country. Not that I have anything against cycling per se but just how is that supposed to help New Zealand's economic future? I much preferred the suggestion of a nine-working-day fortnight, with the 10th day being used for upskilling and training the workforce.

There's no denying that we're all feeling the effects of a sluggish economy. In our business demand has dropped significantly from previous years. So we're investing in training. Any downtime is used to gain new skills so that as the economic cycle follows its course we will be ready to offer existing and new clients new products and services.

So stop fretting and start learning. You'll be much better placed to carry on when the brakes come off the economy. Remember, what doesn't kill you always makes you stronger!

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